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tani, kta gagacet e peshkut duhet t’ja thone ne sy motres se Meta doli i paster nga verifikimi i figures

Motra e Ziver Veizit: PS s’mund të shkelë mbi gjakun e tim vëllai

Trëndafile Muhametaj, motra e një prej demonstruesve të vrarë më 21 janar të vitit 2011, Ziver Veizit, ka reaguar dje pas lajmit të dhënë nga mediat për një aleancë të mundshme mes Edi Ramës dhe Ilir Metës. Në një intervistë për Tema TV, ajo e ka konsideruar anormal bashkëpunimin e Partisë Socialiste me Metën, i cili sipas saj i quante demonstruesit e “21 janarit” kokëpalarë dhe huliganë. Muhametaj u shpreh se vëllai i vet u vra pikërisht për shkak të videos së Ilir Metës më 21 janar. “Jam tmerrësisht e befasuar nga ajo çfarë na dëgjuan veshët për një qeveri me LSI, po të jetë kjo e vërtetë, atëherë nuk është për të votuar më për PS, megjithëse jemi të majtë”, - tha motra e Ziver Veizit.

Sipas saj Ilir Meta është përgjegjësi kryesor për vrasjen e vëllait të saj pasi ata dolën në demonstratë të thirrur nga PS, pikërisht për të denoncuar bllokun e tij të korrupsionit në videon e fshehtë të publikuar. “Tani që Ilir Meta na dalka nga qeveria e Berishës, u dashka bërë hero? Jo, kjo është e pamoralshme, sepse nuk mund të shkelë mbi gjakun e vëllait tim të vrarë nga regjimi PD-LSI. Vëllai im, sipas Ilir Metës, ishte një prej kokëpalarëve që kishin dalë në bulevard për të protestuar dhe nuk ka kurrfarë morali që të jetë në një qeveri me socialistët që janë të ndershëm. Do të doja me të vërtetë që kjo mos të ndodhë, pra një qeveri me LSI, pasi na trondit zemrat dhe shpirtin që na është vrarë në këto vite nga ky pushtet që na vjedh dhe na vret dhe një protagonist si Ilir Meta kërkon që të bëhet faktor duke na vrarë për së dyti herë? Jo, nëse PS nuk ka moral, nuk jemi ne të pamoralshëm dhe le të gjejë njerëz me këtë moral që i ka me shumicë tek LSI”, - ka përfunduar rrëfimin e saj motra e Ziver Veizit, Trëndafile Muhametaj (BalkanWeb)

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Si tha Tak Ngjela kur ishte mrehur per post perpara se ta linin me gisht ne gore:ju nuku merrni vesh nga pulitika e niveleve Te larta .

Taku ishte xhindosur sipas shtypit sot. Vej bast qe nuk do ta citojne me kta shoket e majte ca kohe. U ka share baben…



And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

Religion is also to be blamed for the hideous consequences of the masturbation taboo (which also furnished yet another excuse for circumcision among the Victorians). For decades, millions of young men and boys were terrified in adolescence by supposedly “medical” advice that warned them of blindness, nervous collapse, and descent into insanity if they resorted to self-gratification. Stern lectures from clergymen, replete with nonsense about semen as an irreplaceable and finite energy source, dominated the upbringing of generations. Robert Baden-Powell composed an entire obsessive treatise on the subject, which he used to reinforce the muscular Christianity of his Boy Scout movement. To this day, the madness persists on Islamic Web sites purporting to offer counsel to the young. Indeed, it seems that the mullahs have been poring over the same discredited texts, by Samuel Tissot and others, which used to be wielded by their Christian predecessors to such dire effect. The identical weird and dirty-minded misinformation is on offer, especially from Abd al-Aziz bin Baz, the late grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, whose warnings against onanism are repeated on many Muslim sites. The habit will disrupt the digestive system, he warns, damage the eyesight, inflame the testicles, erode the spinal cord (“the place from which sperm originates”!), and lead to tremors and shakes. Nor are the “cerebral glands” unaffected, with concomitant decline in IQ and eventual insanity. Last of all, and still tormenting millions of healthy youngsters with guilt and worry, the mufti tells them that their semen will grow thin and insipid and prevent them from becoming fathers later on. The Inter-Islam and Islamic Voice sites recycle this tripe, as if there were not already enough repression and ignorance among young males in the Muslim world, who are often kept apart from all female company, taught in effect to despise their mothers and sisters, and subjected to stultifying rote recitation of the Koran. Having met some of the products of this “education” system, in Afghanistan and elsewhere, I can only reiterate that their problem is not so much that they desire virgins as that they are virgins: their emotional and psychic growth irremediably stunted in the name of god, and the safety of many others menaced as a consequence of this alienation and deformation.

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Sexual innocence, which can be charming in the young if it is not needlessly protracted, is positively corrosive and repulsive in the mature adult. Again, how shall we reckon the harm done by dirty old men and hysterical spinsters, appointed as clerical guardians to supervise the innocent in orphanages and schools? The Roman Catholic Church in particular is having to answer this question in the most painful of ways, by calculating the monetary value of child abuse in terms of compensation. Billions of dollars have already been awarded, but there is no price to be put on the generations of boys and girls who were introduced to sex in the most alarming and disgusting ways by those whom they and their parents trusted. “Child abuse” is really a silly and pathetic euphemism for what has been going on: we are talking about the systematic rape and torture of children, positively aided and abetted by a hierarchy which knowingly moved the grossest offenders to parishes where they would be safer. Given what has come to light in modern cities in recent times, one can only shudder to think what was happening in the centuries where the church was above all criticism. But what did people expect would happen when the vulnerable were controlled by those who, misfits and inverts themselves, were required to affirm hypocritical celibacy? And who were taught to state grimly, as an article of belief, that children were “imps of” or “limbs of” Satan? Sometimes the resulting frustration expressed itself in horrible excesses of corporal punishment, which is bad enough in itself. But when the artificial inhibitions really collapse, as we have seen them do, they result in behavior which no average masturbating, fornicating sinner could even begin to contemplate without horror. This is not the result of a few delinquents among the shepherds, but an outcome of an ideology which sought to establish clerical control by means of control of the sexual instinct and even of the sexual organs. It belongs, like the rest of religion, to the fearful childhood of our species. Alyosha’s answer to Ivan’s question about the sacred torture of a child was to say (“softly”)—“No, I do not agree.” Our reply, to the repellent original offer of the defenseless boy Isaac on the pyre, right up to the current abuses and repressions, must be the same, only not delivered so softly.

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Kjo shpjego shume gjona ketu ne peshk e tutje. Fundi i ch6 i CH’s “god is not great”.

hani Peshk e mbani komet per termo o te deziluzionuar se do te hani dhe nje gje tjeter!

midhje luti?

Cfare lidhje ka kjo me Meten? Po i bie nga Kina po thua qe Meta s’ka masturbuar aq sa duhet kur ka qene adoleshent?

Eshte nje teme qe quhet “Diskutim i lire”.

Kjo ishte protesta ime tip alideja. Ti po reago si me qen policia shtetit!

Edhe mund te jem. Por ti ki kujdes gjithsesi!

Kshu jam i kujdesshem. E shfletoj vetem pasi kalojme vijen ajrore.

Kur paska deke dulla baba I ka rene me shpulle , kjo e kualifikon baba liken si dissident.
ne zbor e kane pas bere kumandar toge , kjo e kualifikon per kryekumandar te forcave te armatosura.
si tha dikur tano banushi rahmet paste , : grun ta gjeta , femijet ti gjeta ik mor vlla ca do ma shume ti.: :grinning:
mesojuni qe syfetne I cili ne baze te kushtetutes perfaqeson unitetin e popullit shqiptar ta shiqoni pa iu perziere plackat e barkut e you’ll be all right.5 vjet kalojne shume shpejt sidomos kur plakesh…


…pastaj, ata dilnin te lumtur. te rinj, me pak te rinj, te moshuar por dhe pleq. dilnin nga dera nji shpie te lige.
I pa nje plake tek dilnin te lumtur e i pyeti
-cfare japin aty biro?
karamele none, karamele. ja boni njoni shoqeruar me nje buzqeshje tinzare
e iku nona por tek dera i dul nji arap i zi dhe e pyti
-po ti mi non car do k’tu, ti s’ ke as dhom
-e di nona biro por e ma n’goj nona

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Si te dobesohesh? Cfare dietash duhen bere?
3 Mars 2010 - 23:09
Na jepni ndonje djete, ose metoda per dobesim. Po te keni qene vete te shendoshe, ca metodash keni perdor ju, sa kile keni rene, e per sa kohe jeni dobesuar.

e pandehura - ai eshte 18,7 i gjate e leviz
great stuff