Numri 45

In 2012, Mitt Romney struggled for months to consolidate support because, even as he had clear support among college-educated Republicans, he fared worse among non-college voters.

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Klinton humbi dhe ne Florida qe ka nje shumice te madhe latino. Vota e latinove dhe femra te bardha nuk ishte dhe aq e madhe. Diku lexova qe Trump mori me shume vota te latinove se Ramney!

E keqja eshte se gjithmone paragjykohet se latinot do mbajne krahun e latinove dhe femrat krahun e femrave… Gabim fatal! Ashtu si edhe ne Brexit shume pjestare te minoriteteve moren krahun e racistave te bardhe. Ndera ne rastin e femrave te bardha ne Amerike vete fakti qe Klinton eshte femer e demtoi shume… Eshte ironike kur e mendon, por e vertet.

Sot jepet vendimi për Bilalin e 85 mijë dollarëve, Rama anulon vizitën për në SHBA

Dhënia e 85 mijë dollarëve nga Bilal Shehu për një fotografi me Barack Obamën dhe pagimi i këtyre parave bërë nga kryeministri i Shqipërisë Edi Rama, atë kohë në opozitë do të marrë sot një vendim.

E pikërisht se sot është vendimi për Bilal Shehun, i cili është i penduari i drejtësisë, ka bërë që Edi Rama të anulojë një vizitë që kishte planifikuar për në SHBA.

Calm down Fiqo, calm down…breath, stay on message Fiqo… stay on message…

Ketu te puna, Nju Jork, te gjithe jane ne gjendje shoku, askush s’e priste kete. Nje koleg me tha qe ndihet me fat qe nuk ka nje vajze ne moshe te rritur se nuk do dinte t’ia shpjegonte se si mund te zgjidhet nje misogjinist se Trampi president. Nje koleg tjeter me tha se nje provim i te dashures se tij te Universiteti Kolumbia ishte shtyre se nje numer i madh studentesh i kishin shkruar profesorit se nuk ishin ne gjendje mendore te jepnin provimin.
Personalisht me vjen per te vjelle qe dikush si ky kokekashta mund te zgjidhej president i ketij vendi kaq te madh e te respektueshem, por edhe shum i cuditur nuk jam. Derisa amerikanet munden te zgjidhnin Shvarcenegerin si guverantor te Kalifornise, kisha frike se do mund ta zgjidhnin dhe Trampin. Efekti VIP eshte shume i madh ketu cuditerisht - “I like him because he’s the guy from TV” !!!

Pulitika anerikane eshte pendulum.per momentin kishte shkuar teper majtas duke i kallur daten nje pjese te amerikes.keshtuqe duhet pritur te shkoje prape djathtas ne menyre qe liberalet te marrin prape revanshin.

Latinot e Florides jan Kubanez te Fidel castros, Latin te vjeter. Flitet per prurjet e reja qe kan marr nenshtetesine keto 8 vjet dhe jan rregjistru si demokrat voters diten e betimit. Ata dolen, zezaket se lujten meneren ndonese I thirri Obama fort kto dite. Jane te bardhet dhe vendi u nda shume keq nga Ana racore dhe mendore

Breathe Fiqo breathe, make the concession speech, it’s just a formality.

ja sa ta gjej imejlin.
Ka shanca e shpernda me wikiliki

nje provim i te dashures se tij te Universiteti Kolumbia ishte shtyre se nje numer i madh studentesh i kishin shkruar profesorit se nuk ishin ne gjendje mendore te jepnin provimin.

Nje nga arsyet pse fitoi Trump. Privileged, out of touch.

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E thashe dhe me lart: pak a shume, keshtu e kisha menduar dhe une (_problem elektoral -_si te thuash).

Kam nderruar mendje

Do zoti anullon llotarine amerikone se na e qelben ket ven e mbasanej Edhe ate Beautiful Muri

ca do beje goje madhi tanië-pse-edi-rama-luajti-rëndë-me-trump

On a lighter note, the Marijuana Amendment passed down here !

!!! Hey self-righteous millenials! We told you that voting for Johnson or Stein was the same as voting for Trump. We told you again and again. We explained the math. We explained that voting in general elections required different tactics than primaries. We reminded you that third party voting made George W. Bush president.

We told you so.

But you self-righteous fucks refused to listen. You effectively voted for Trump anyway.

You think you voted your conscience? Now preznit Trump is on you. You are now officially dumber than Nader voters. In state after state your selfish votes far exceeded Trump’s margin of victory.

You could have stopped him.

You think you sent a message to the establishment? They got a message. They sure did. They got the message that you prefer to lose your healthcare, your marriage equality, your civil rights and more. They got the message that you’re OK with the KKK ruling the country. The got the message that you want abortion to be illegal again, that you want women who miscarry to be treated like criminals, and you want birth control made illegal as well.

How is your conscience now?

Now you’ll learn the hard way that public morality requires you to think beyond your own feelings and consider the situation of people less fortunate than yourself. All the people that are going to suffer now that you’ve made a psychopath the most powerful man in the world. Their suffering is on you. All the people that are going to suffer for decades to come because Trump gets to choose Supreme Court justices. Their suffering is on you. Their suffering is on your conscience.

The descent of the United States into fascism is on your conscience.

The next few years will be horrifying beyond our worst nightmares. That is on your conscience.

Now shut the fuck up about the broken system. Because you broke it.

P.S. When will the Greatness begin ?
P.P.S. Muri do behet me tulla apo me qerpic ?

You think you voted your conscience? Now preznit Trump is on you. You are now officially dumber than Nader voters. In state after state your selfish votes far exceeded Trump’s margin of victory.

I guess president Trump will win his second term by double digits.

Hillary was a dog of a candidate, own up man, you elected Trump.

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lale ste qenkan thare akoma lotet. Shume konfident ke shkruar te tema e meparshme, welcome back to reality ku sondazhet nuk pine uje.

E kishte parashikuar majmuni me bananen! Si Nuk te ngeci ajo banane o majmun qe na solle kete gorrille per 4 vjet

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Ameriqener te dogville nuk e meritonit hillaryn liberale. Keni nevoje per nje master si trumpi tiu dominoje.

A lot of you bozos think that America is a cow that you only milk it and not give anything back. Well that is changing today.
How many of you have or know someone that has not contributed one penny in this country and they get full benefits. Insurance, housing and pension.
This will end! The lazy the moochers and the terrorists have no place here.
Everybody gets it’s fair share and what has contributed to the common pool of benefits.
America first!
This is a great day for America and a sad day for others!
Get use to it. Don’t make 4 years 40


Wolf Blitzer-1 kur Trump kaloi 270. I njejti gazetar qe komunikonte me kampin e Hillary per te dhene e marre pyetjet e debateve.

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