Pas zgjedhjeve në USA

Eshte normale qe ndaj njerezeve te huaj te kesh nje fare dyshimi, apo ti fut ne shtepi cdo njeri qe del perpara? Vetem te bardhet na qenkan raciste? Shko njehere ne nje vend arab, ta venen shamine me zor po nuk deshe ti.

I’ll tell all of the Hollywood assholes.
Shut up and sing! Shut up and dance! Shut the f***ck up and act.
We’re listening to your music or watch your movies only for entertainment. We don’t give a f*ck about your political views and we don’t care or give a sht what you think.
You are a f***cking hypocrites that live in your f***ing bubble and don’t know anything about regular people.

Shut up and sing Kati Perry! Shut up and act Deniro!
Shut up and act all of you f***ckers that live your luxury life!

You mad?

Jam shume dakort. Me mire te degjojme reality show actors.

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I’m guessing your shrink gave up on you a long time ago :smile:

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With not only jobs but entire industries disappearing, we must help people to retrain for a new world and support them financially while they do so
Kete konkluzion e kemi harritur tek peshku para shume kohe nga disa komentues njeherazi.kokat me zgjuara te globit si dhe disa qe nuk e krekuentojne me blogun tone se gjoja qenka poshte standardeve te tyre te na marrin te ligat e te na benen kurban.:smile:

e ka thene vizionari i kthjellet, _ ppu-ne e lexojne pecogroset_

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doli dikush qe ja ia futi trumpit, se e kishit shume hall te madh punen e rusise, e takoi putinin perpara

I don’t need a shrink Alba I need the politicians to think and do things for American’s and not for China. If we listen to you and Kardashian’s we’ll be in a s**t hole for a long time.
Just because you proclaim to like all assholes in Hollywood doesn’t mean that they know what they’re talking about.
You keep crying because is good for the tissue paper business :joy:

you listen to Kardashians, not Kardashian’s!

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Dr. Carson joins the “Dream Team”.

ne po flasim per shba , vend ne te cilin me sa di une , jemi te huaj me perjashtim te disa memedhetareve te cilet jane me amerikane se amerikanet .:grinning:

Don’t be so baised.

ose tAmper.

You’re criticized for your written English when you’re not good with it but yet insist on using it.

Para 3 javesh Carson tha qe s’ka pervojen per te punuar ne qeveri. Per 3 jave e paska marre pervojen? Apo e zgjodhi per Housing and Urban meqe te zinjte automatikisht duhet te dine per “urban” dhe public housing.

E ke pare kete? Rrezik Carson ishte i vetmi i zi qe Trump njeh qe te mos i thone e ke bere qeverine vetem me gjarprinj te bardhe.

Kedo qe te zgjedhe Trumpi ti do ti gjesh ndonje shkak per ta kritikuar keshtu qe eshte e kote te diskutosh me tifoze fanatike si puna jote.
Po hidhu pak tek Mishele Obama qe tha:
If you don’t know how to run your house you are not qualified to run White House"
Nuk ja tha Donald Trumpit por Hillari Klintonit.

Apo vete Barak Obama:
Hillary Clinton would “say anything and do nothing” and that she was not qualified for the presidency in 2008.

Pak me pas e beri numurin 2 te kabinetit te tij.

Etj etj etj

Come to papa: :smiley:
" I found it an extremely interesting conversation, and to be continued," Mr Gore said.

Ndonje pergjigje sesi Dr. Carson, qe donte te behej President por pranoi qe s’kishte eksperience, e fitoi eksperiencen brenda 3 javeve?

Nuk e kuptoj pse po me tregon shembujt e Obames kur ne do ta bejme Ameriken great AGAIN dhe duhet te kemi shembuj te mire, jo te majmuneve (shprehje e jotja dhe grupit tend). E dime qe Obamat ishin bloze (ne te gjitha kuptimet) keshtu qe s’kemi pse t’u referohemi me, apo jo?

Ok vazhdoni se i bie mire gernetes…