Protesta në JFK kundër urdhrit anti-mysliman të Trump

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eeeehe ehee hear you hear you

Twitter Is Losing It Over President Obama’s Backwards Hat And Flip Flops - The Huffington Post

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Proud to honor the start of Black History Month at The White House this morning with Vice President Mike Pence.

Si nuk e pashe kete lajm ne MSM?
Apo ju prish agjenden “Trump eshte racist”?

Murin paska per ta ndertu Dorin Coba, i biri i Florian Cobes, nga Rumania. Hallall re romo!!

Ti punon apo sheh MSM gjithe diten? Jo per gje po ju Trumpistet sikur hiqeni qe vec ju punoni ndersa te tjeret marrin asistence nga taksat tuaja.

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Po po forca e padukshme e ka fajin thuji sienenit :smile:

exactly what mr trump has been sayin’:

jose sells an avocado to john for $5 when an avocado costs $1…ripping john off…

because john had stupid people running his government all this time.

Sou nau, widh dhe smarts in carxh, xhan uill pej $6.

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Xhani eshte me p… dhije se ja ble Hoses se Hondurasit me 50 cent avokadon.

Ore per xhon e keni fjalen ju se ne juesej kemi shume xhonra. Po me kaqoli eshte xhoni dhe plamber, ia fusin te gjithe sa nuk ka sifon qi i ben pun.

As une se di cili Xhon eshte po gjembi se nga e njihte e na e solli ketu.

Math for dummies. Te ajo pika 4, ku Ju Es Ej mbledh $1 nga Joseja, puthu me Milon te thote Joseja. YOU CANNOT TAX A FOREIGN CITIZEN, keshtu qe ate 20% ja faturon Xhonit, jo Zhozefit.

Trump’s approval rating is ticking upward toward 50 percent: 49 percent of voters approve of how Trump is handling his job, and 41 percent disapprove.

yes end uill get et liist 5 avokados

si ju tha… te pakten 51 % te votave heren tjeter…te pakten, e theksoi.

ceco nuk te keno mo hoxha, ke leviz?