Rusia sulmon Ukrainën

Il popolua shqiptar ça thotë?? E duan më popolon vëlla shumkombësh ukrainas,me kryetar çifut, dhe me kombësi ruse??
Ramën,bën vaki ta emërojë natua si kryeministër të ukrainës, se e shikon që nuk e zë gjumi për ta. Ndërsa salën kryetar të opozitës proruse!
Një open russland dhe u kry



Ja nje ze nga brenda Rusise qe ti (dhe une bashke) nuk kemi si ta degjojme. Por qe eshte sh intéressant

Falje per perkthimin Google :

Ukraine will liberate Russia.
André Markowicz

There is a chief propagandist in Russia, a mafia journalist, Vladimir Solovyov, one of those who, being always on the air, on TV and on the radio, calls for hatred of the foreigner, the he is one of those who shape the opinion of Russians who only get information from official channels (a large majority of people, of course). He lost, because of the sanctions, his magnificent villa on the shores of Lake Como. On March 8, he had a conversation with one of his constant guests (maffioso as much as he was, but living in Israel) and the guest told him that nothing was being achieved in Ukraine, that the Russian army, in two weeks, did not take a single city, that they only took roads, and if you did not intend to enter the cities, it was not worth starting the operation. Solovyov lets him talk for a good quarter of an hour, and outbids: yes, he goes on, especially since, now, this war (he says the word “war” - officially forbidden), we will not be able to win it, because we are considered by all to be “the brood of hell” (sic), and, he says, what we are losing is Russia itself… — This conversation went around the internet, in the blink of an eye, and the show is no longer visible, for “technical reasons” on the site, but the fact is there. It’s clear to them, they can’t win.

At the same time, the “Kommersant” newspaper, which is owned by Alisher Ousmanov (one of the most repulsive oligarchs in Putin’s entourage, a former mafioso who served time in prison for rape in the USSR, and who has just lost his 'one of the most expensive yachts in the world, under sanctions), Kommersant, therefore, publishes an article stating that, yes, despite what the President of Russia said, there are indeed in Ukraine, in the army active, conscripts who are just doing their military service. And not only are there some, but there are some who are prisoners. And that “Mr. Putin” therefore affirmed, in spite of himself, something false. And that a judicial investigation is launched to find those responsible for this abuse. Me, in twenty years and more of observing Putin in Russia, never in my life have I read “Mr. Putin” (Gospodin Poutine). I don’t understand what that means, but what’s for sure is that it’s not nice. It’s as if Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin, President of the Russian Federation (that’s the normal way to call him, officially) had become a kind of private quidam, a “gentleman”, bourgeois, like the others.

I don’t know what that means, but I do know that the war started an internal war ((which must have already existed, I suppose — witness the distancing measures when Putin receives, measures which cannot simply be due to the Covid). The sanctions hit the oligarchs on the yachts, and that, we understand, for them, it is unforgivable. They lived peacefully, in London or Monaco, they did not concern themselves with politics, they plundered as they pleased. seemed, and Putin gave birth to them behind their backs. Because, yes, everyone, absolutely, agrees on one point: everyone thought that the rhetoric of war would remain rhetoric, that it would only serve to sharpen But the decision to go to war was made in an extremely small circle, if not in a circle at all, — just by one man.

It is as if we were preparing a palace revolution.

And then there is the march of war. Shameful, dishonorable for an army that claims to be one of the best armies in the world. It is very difficult to quantify the losses. The Ukrainians (not to mention their own military losses — or I found nothing) speak of 12,000 killed. Which is amazing. I will be careful not to say that it is true or that it is false, but, for sure, it is a question of thousands of deaths (not counting the wounded, and not counting the losses in material, gigantic). In short, it’s a butcher’s shop without a name. Not only a failure in terms of operations, because, in fact, apart from Kherson and Melitopol in the south, no major city was taken, but in terms of logistics. The Ukrainian army lets the columns advance, blows up bridges that prevent them from retreating, and waits for them to run out of fuel, and recovers equipment that is often intact, abandoned. And there is the episode, almost comical if it were not a question of people’s lives, of the Russian army’s encryption system, the ERA system: the units are so disorganized that you can hear the the highest-ranking Russian soldiers on the front use Ukrainian cell phones, yes, with Ukrainian sim cards (confiscated from someone, no doubt, or quite stupidly bought), because they started by destroying the antennas Internet broadcasting, but they did not think that for their encrypted system, they too needed the Internet… And no one, obviously, in the Russian army had thought that 'you had to think about it before and come up with an internal internet circuit (I don’t know what it’s called). In short, their encrypted system, of which they were so proud, which had cost them so much, they broke it themselves. It’s really unbelievable, but it’s true.

Suddenly, they bombard, by ground, and by the airs. President Zélinski asks NATO for a no-fly zone, and is indignant that it is refused. But, I repeat, NATO cannot allow itself a direct confrontation with Putin, firstly because it would give him the opportunity - very real, envisaged - to send a “tactical” atomic bomb, for example on Poland, — but also because it would give him the opportunity to prove that, really, it is the world that is attacking Russia, and therefore, to find national support in a desperate population under the blow of sanctions. The exclusion zone controlled by NATO would be the worst thing to do. Another thing is to give Ukraine the practical means to fight against Russian planes — and that, there is no doubt, will be done.

Because there are the sanctions — catastrophic for all of Russia. And which will only get stronger if the EU, in turn, gradually turns away from Russian oil — which will obviously drive up prices here (and this will be our war effort, solidarity, with the Ukrainian people) .

I said it before, yes. It’s day after day. Russia can only lose the war, it can only collapse. But there will still be attacks. And the monster will still destroy everything it can, and there will still be hundreds and hundreds of dead, military or civilian. — In Mariupol, yesterday, March 9, a bomb fell on a children’s hospital, and obviously it had not gone astray. We are there. They are, yes, monstrous. And they only know one tactic, that of Grozny and Aleppo — total ruin.

Only, there, Putin fell on a bone. Not just penalties. Not just on the twenty-year limits of what he called “stability”—with absolutely nothing functioning normally. And not just the united front of the West. He fell on the united front of a country which, before, was very divided. He created this unity. He found himself facing what is called in Russian, a “voina narodnaya”… And this expression dates back to 1941. It is not just a war", as they say, “patriotic” , but both “popular” and “national” (since the word “narod” unites the two notions). They found themselves, with their Z marked on the tanks and their guns, in the position of the Nazis. Invaders, assassins of civilians. And the Russian soldiers, who were all sent to the front with food rations for three days, without explaining anything to them about what was happening, or, often, where they were from, remain flabbergasted: they thought, when they knew something, that the populations would welcome them with flowers, since they came to save them from the “Nazis” and the “drug addicts”… and the people hate them, and, heroically, in occupied areas, demonstrate, in the face of the machine guns. And they start to really think.

Yes, we live in terrifying times. Yet never have we been closer to major change. And, the Ukrainian people, by their incredible courage, not only continue to stand up to them, but do something else: reluctantly (it is the case to say it), they are also fighting to free the Russians. Because Putin has to be brought down. He has to go, or he dies. Russia needs to change.

Ukraine, I want to believe, will liberate Russia.

Shiqo nje interview te Gorbachev para disa vitesh me BBC ku thote se kur ishte lider i bs fshataret i thonin:me mire te rrime pa buke se sa te bejme lufte .

Krahu i djathte europian qe berriste “ujku “ ujku gjithe keto vite ka per te marre revansh se i doli fjala .dikur hitlerin njerezit e mbanin per karagjoz me teorite e tij anti cifute .por nje dite plasi depresioni ekonimik se bankat kerkuan borxhet ,bankat prone e cufuteve ,njerezit bene lidhjen .hitlerit i dul fjala ,nga karagjoz u kthye ne gjeni e nga shiu i luftes se pare boterore rane bresherin e se dytes .nashi eshte bicim romantike ukraine qe lufton per liri po zoti e di se nga mund te kaloje balanca .po sikur ruset ta bejne si iranianet qe krijuan hezbollahun e te krijone organizata terroriste ,nuk iu mungon as paciperia as aftesite per ta bere ate .ku eshte nostradamudusi shqiptar tak anglisaksoni kur te duhet :grinning:

Nje kellire më pak

Nje nate tjater e gjate bombardimi per ukrainasit.
Hall i madh qe na ka zene
S’na lene gjylet te fleme
Do kendojme apo c’do bejme

Stalker palloshi ne Paris vetem, nuk di çfar te beje i vetmuar, dhe here pas here e kap ndonje krize histerie politike e dites dhe uleret si qeni ne heneze.
Stalker martoju me ndonje zezake dhe shif intervisten e Oliver Stone qe i ka bere Putin:

Meh… Rusia edhe Turqine do e pushtonte po te mos ishte ne NATO sepse mundet?! Nuk ka kush dhe cfare ta frenoje, as bla-bla-bla-ja bombastike.

Eshte interesante si figura si Angela Merkel po cbehen dita-dites: pergjegjese e neglizhences te thelle ndaj rrezikut rus.

E cuditeshme urrejtja e anglosaksoneve dhe Perendimit per Rusine, si dhe mosperfillja dhe trajtimi I vendeve te Europes Lindore si qytetare te dores se dyte. Po dhe më e çuditshme bindja e tyre se ato nuk do t’ua kthenin me te njejten monedhe nje dite. Lufta dhe vecanerisht sanksionet e pafund dhe te perditeshme qe po I vene Rusise po I tregojne gjithe botes qe Perendimi nuk eshte me nje vend asnjanës ku biznesi eshte biznes dhe prona private nuk ka lidhje me pordhet politike. Rreshqitja e madhe dhe e pakthyeshme sapo ka filluar fatkeqesisht. Te na rroje Biden Bolja.

Biznes dhe prone private qe voton kriminele vrases e pushtues, e qe financon me takse ushtri e armatim per kriminelin?!

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Qetesohu I dashur. Perendimi deri me sot ka funksionuar me ligje. Askush nuk mund te te cpronesoje ty si person pa nje vendim gjykate. Ky eshte ligji nr 1 qe ruan pronen private qe eshte baza e shtetit dhe e botes. Se ne fund te fundit C’po ben me shume Putini pervecse po I sekuestron pronen Ukraines sepse ajo votoi qe te jete me Naton. E shikon pra qe krisma nuk ka patur.

Ukraina eshte shtet i pavarur.
Sanksionet jane e drejte ligjore civile e secilit qe nuk deshiron me te beje biznes me ty. Thjesht sma do qejfi te blej as te shes me prej teje. Kjo edhe per kohe paqeje. Ndersa kur financon e perkrahe hapur makineri vrasese e pushtuese, kur voton e jep djemte e vajzat ne sherbim te vrasesit masiv, a duhet une me ta trashe qafen?

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kush diskuton me Katrorin do te vije momenti pa tjeter qe do pendohet, bile do pendohet qe edhe qe ka lindur ne kete bote jallane. Veç ne qofte me katror me i rrumbullaket se ai, gje qe akoma nuk ka bere vaki dhe nuk besoj te beje vaki kurre kjo mrekulli.

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Edhe njehere, po perpiqu te mos e humbesh fillin. Po flisnim per sekuestrimin e prones private dhe besueshmerine si partner biznesi. Sekuestrimi I prones private pa vendim gjykate eshte veprim autoritar qe ndodh vetem ne strukturat fashiste ose komuniste ku ti shpronesohesh pa vendim gjyqesor qe shqyrtonte aktivitetin e biznesit tend dhe pa te krijuar mundesine e mbrojtjes ligjore. Bile edhe komunistet perpiqeshin te krijonin nje fasade ligjore me gjyqet popullore te kinema “Partizani” po ky eshte muhabet I gjate. Ti mund ta dhjesesh edhe biznesin ne mes po të duash per sa kohe qe zbaton zhdemtimet ne baze te kontrates, po besueshmëria jote si partner biznesi bie ne zero.Sanksione pastaj ver sa te duash.Pordha e madhe gris breket e veta kane pas thene pleqte tane. Kjo eshte aresyeja qe shtetet gjigande si India dhe Kina nuk iu bashkuan sanksioneve kurse Arabia Saudite dhe UAE as nuk ia ngriten telefonin Biden para dy ditesh.

Tore, te keqen mos vrit vehten, se une te kam si argetim ketu. Ja kisha disa dite qe isha i merzitur se nuk po me ecnin ca pune dhe thashe te shkoj njehere tek Peshku te bej njehere nje dore gallate atje. Dhe si gjithmone ti dhe Alba jeni gjithmone gati ketu te ma ngrini lart moralin, me mendimin qe budallalleku eshte konstantja e kesaj bote kurse njerezit e zgjuar numerohen me gishtat e dores. E ja tani jam gati te perballoj serish betejat e jetes jo-internetore. Ju faleminderit. Shendet e bythe te forta deri ne takimin tjeter.

katroro, çfar eshte kjo UAE

Pjer, UAE eshte marke prezervative qe e perdor zezaku nga Detroiti ne divan te kuzhines se Katrorit, komshijte e tij degjojne çdo nate uae-uae-uae nje ze gruaje dhe dridhen tavani e muret nga muskujt e zezakut qe ben gjimnastike kamasutra ne divan te Katrorit vup-vup-vup. Dhe Katrori per tu hakmarre eshte bere i djathte trumpist kunder zezakeve.

Me cpo kendoj serbia paska vetem 400 tanke e nja 200 aeroplane .medemek Kosova me 400 rajeta javeline e nja 200 stinger pra mevrreth $20 meleone mund te mbrohet .pjesa tjater benet lufte trup me trup ,po aty se kemi problem se dergojme supermene si delta pellazgun me arbanin :joy:

Ndonjë mercenar të zi alba,na rregullo andej ,ta kemi ,se si dihet!!!
Pagesën bëjua ti si çupë jehovai dhe zezakdashëse që je!!
Edhe në do përpiqemi që vajzat jevge tua bëjmë dhuratë edhe si shenjë e luftës kundër kombëtarizmit de!!
Se,siç ka thënë edhe xhaxhi i përndjekur,antikomunist,ljubomir fatos,kombëtarizmi është streha e fundit e maskarenjve​:yum::yum: