Diskutim i lire - Janar 2018


mbi dy kembe, rrapa madheshtor,
n’udhkryq qendron.
arrixhiun veshtron.
veshtron arrixhiun me cigare ne goje
e legen ne duar
nderkohe me putrat e tije
hurin mban shtrenguar.
i dilemosur ne udhekryq mendon: ti bi o mos ti bi.
ah te kisha nji grusht te fuqishem
i pershkon si korrent trurin
por kur shikon putrat
i duket alibi.
porka vaka thot
u bom si komt e dhis
eshte arrixhiu apo une artist !?
Nderkoh jeta shkon.

Din Hyka (plagjature nga Kadare)

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Edhe nje rekord tjeter! :joy: :rofl: Neser do te thote qe vec prej aftesise se tij Dielli lindi cdo dite vitin qe kaloi.

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rrojne birbilat, rrojne

Ankohet per mentalitetin e shqiptareve …
I jati ka qene yll dhe njeri shume mire …
Kapot ne pergjithsi keshtu si fis ne drejtim te seksit kan qene liberal …dhe ne ate kohe…


Desara moj vajze, ti ishe atje me mikrofon duke intervistuar/bashkbiseduar me ate gocen qe quhej Sara.

Pjer une jam me e lashte …ajo me ka kopjuar emrin :stuck_out_tongue:

dasara, kshu ne pergjithsi Ministria e Mrenshme kan qen liberal ne drejtim te seksit, Partia ka qene fanatike.

dasara is replying …

ho me pra mo qite komentin nga fejsbuku me vuajtje nga kampi i perqendrimit.

Ti e di me mire se ke qene i brençem …:stuck_out_tongue:
Kam qene e vogel …po keto gjera benin buje atehere… i vellai i Hysni Kapos …segretar i pare partie me duket ne Durres …vdiq siper nje femre …pushim zemre …ne shtepine e saj …erdhen e hoqen shpejt e shpejt dhe i bene nje varrim madheshtor lol
Kshu dhe keto te partise nuku benin perjashtim …

he pra mo, un plasa tu thon qe midis seksit dhe vdekjes ka lidhje, eros-thanatos, pallim-kamperqendrim, demokraci-tirani.

2017, the worst year in American history for mass shootings. Not very strict on that one, were you mister fuckface ?
Oh, yeah and the dinosaurs never ate anybody since he’s been president. Plus zero alien abductions.


Pjer ah sikur te ishte dasara jone ajo e videos, e kishte rregullu direkt nje interviste me ty. :slight_smile:

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Ja sa te vijne shoket e ta tregojne ty vendin, libtard i poshter!

" Shoket " can blow me.

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Hey, gjembo, ky Soros qe na shajne keta katunaret knej pari, nuk qeka shume burre i keq, ne fund te fundit. Me bo i zile me me zgjujt nga gjumi kur Donald shtrengata te dhuroje 1.8 million (jo billion) ke bamiresite. P.O.S.

As ti as une s’e kuptojme. I ka levizur qe mos te paguaj taksa. Do thuash ti “po mire, ai prape s’i ka me te tijat e s’i perdor dot te bleje jahte” por une s’di si te te pergjigjem. C’pret nga cifutet e majte mashtrues qe jane antisemite?

Shikoje cfare gjerash liberale ka financuar:

The organization funded treatment centers during the 2014 Ebola outbreak, a center for Roma art and culture, and efforts to protect people in the United States from what it described as “a national wave of hate incidents” after the 2016 election. After that spike in hate crimes, Mr. Soros, 87, committed $10 million to preventing such violence.

Lere po dhe te tjere libtard po thokan fjale te mira per Open Society

“There is no foundation in the world, including the Ford Foundation, that has had more impact around the world than the Open Society Foundations in the last two decades,” said Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation. “Because there is no part of the world that they have not been. Their footprint is deeper, wider and more impactful than any other social justice foundation in the world.”

Edhe ate mund ta bejne por me duket se do jemi te gjithe blown out of this earth very soon prej tekave te femijes se llastuar. Femije ne klase te trete se as vajzat adoleshente s’jane kaq tejkanjoze sa ky.

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!

Te them te drejten as nuk e di kush eshte kjo, domethene nuk ia njoh as te atin apo te emen. Megjithese mbiemer i njohur per ne te theles se majte do thoshte i Mothi :slight_smile:

Te them te drejten, une nuk e pashe fare videon edhe pse me hapej. Po marr mendja kokrra si keto pelqejne deri ne inferioritet a prej inferioritetit frutat joekzotike europiane.

vetem felja e djathte di mire se kush eshte felja e majte. (dhe anasjelltas, ose anapullos)

dasara mon amur