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Te zgjuar dhe njeri vetem ty te kemi. Te gjithe ne te tjeret e kemi kot te mundohemi. Ti ke vendosur nje standard shume te paarritshem per ne te tjeret.

standardin dhe modelin nuk e vendos une, nuk kam kryqe per kete pune, merita ime eshte se ja mundoj te zbatoj standardin dhe modelin i cili nuk eshte shqipkar, eshte nderkombetar, bile eshte kozmik, dhe shqipkaret jene te ftuar ta pranojne dhe ta zbatojne njesoj si jane te ftuar amerikankarët dhe evropianpidhët. Dhe siç thashe hë për hë jom unë gomori dhe ju jeni te zgjutet qe ndiqni standardi zyrtar o burra kush te qije dafllak me teper, kush te kete kulture me teper, kush te kete pare me teper, kush te kete fame me teper, kush te botoje libra me teper, kush te kete grada shkencore me teper etj. Vazhdoni te njejtin zanat te kohes se komunizmës se “shtresës” se privilegjuar te intelektualeve, vetem se tani ja beni yzmetin intelektualizmës sipas kushteteve dhe kontekstit te kapitalizmës (kapistallizmës). Por vjen koha qe e hani turpin me buke, dhe beni heroin disident të mënçur qe ka luftuar gjithe jeten me fuksat injorante.

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, March 13, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ – Vacuum Airships – An Idea Whose Time Has Come!’

Air travel has come a long way since the Wright Brothers took their first flight in 1903. From propeller planes to jet engines and now electric planes, there have been numerous advancements in aviation technology. However, one area that has not seen much innovation is airships. The image of a massive, slow-moving zeppelin might come to mind, but what if there was a way to make airships faster, more efficient, and even more environmentally friendly? Here, enter vacuum airships.

Vacuum airships are a type of lighter-than-air (LTA) aircraft that uses a vacuum rather than gas to provide lift. Traditional airships use helium or hydrogen gas to provide lift, which makes them vulnerable to explosions or fires. Vacuum airships, on the other hand, are much safer since they don’t contain any flammable gases.

The concept of vacuum airships is not new. The idea was first proposed in the 17th century by Italian priest Francesco Lana de Terzi. However, it was not until the 21st century that technology caught up with the idea. Vacuum airships work by using a large vacuum chamber that is sealed off from the outside environment. By Archimedes’ principle, the airship creates as much lift as the air that it keeps out.

One of the biggest advantages of vacuum airships is their efficiency. They are much lighter than traditional airships, which means they require less fuel to fly. In fact, some vacuum airship designs can fly for weeks or even months at a time without refueling. This makes them ideal for applications such as surveillance, scientific research, and even cargo transport.

Another advantage of vacuum airships is their versatility. They can take off and land vertically (VTOL) or use a short takeoff and landing (STOL) runway, depending on the design. Some vacuum airship designs even incorporate electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) technology, which allows them to take off and land in urban environments. This makes them ideal for use as flying cars or taxis, providing a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional cars.

One company that is leading the way in vacuum airship technology is Ilia toli. Based in Silicon Valley, California, Ilia toli is a startup that is developing vacuum airships for a variety of applications. Their flagship product is the V8-4, a small vacuum airship that is designed for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. The V8-4 is capable of flying for up to two weeks at a time and can be operated remotely or autonomously.

In addition to the V8-4, Ilia toli is also developing larger vacuum airships for cargo transport and passenger travel. The V10-12 is a cargo airship that is capable of carrying up to 10 tons of cargo over long distances. The V12-24 is a passenger airship that can carry up to 24 passengers in luxury and comfort.

While vacuum airships offer many advantages over traditional airships, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome. One of the biggest challenges is the perception of airships in general. Many people still associate airships with the Hindenburg disaster of 1937, which has led to a negative perception of the technology. However, vacuum airships are much safer than traditional airships and are not prone to the same type of catastrophic failures.

Moreover, these lighter-than-air airships are an idea whose time has come. They offer many advantages over traditional airships and have the potential to revolutionize air travel, cargo transport, and even urban transportation. Companies like Ilia toli are leading the way in developing vacuum airship technology and are already producing small vacuum airships for surveillance and reconnaissance missions. With continued development and investment, it is likely that we will see larger and more versatile vacuum airships soon accomplishing all sorts of missions, from intercontinental cargo to high-altitude spacecraft launches.

For the public at large, vacuum airships represent a potentially transformative technology. They offer a more environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to traditional air travel and cargo transport, and could even provide a new way to commute in urban areas. While the cost of production is still a challenge for a startup, the long-term benefits of vacuum airships are immense.


Ilia Toli
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Ilia Toli, 2PhD

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Gilles BARBIER, L'Orgue _ Pets, 1996.

Shyqyr qe firma jote s’duhet per gjekundi. Ne asnje zyre ku kam qene s’me kane thene “po firmen e atij Hajdarit e ke marre?” Kushedi sa groshe da shisje oken e pordhes. S’je me i mire se kamunistat qe shan.

hajdar Ilia Topja kur shkon ne zyren e Piro Kondit nuk duhet firma se nga hajdar topja behet brima bytha ku fut palloshin sekretari i pare i Tiranes bashke me shoferin e tij me Gaz 69.



Ilia Topja, meqe ke permend firmat e zyrave. Ka shume mundesi qe shpikja jote te jete nje rrene e shpifur ose shpikje e vjedhur, perderisa jep lajmin ne blog ku nuk komenton njeri, perveç ndonje budalla si ty qe e rren mendja se behet i famshem me lajme per vizione te qarta, ose me poezi kaqole, sigurisht edhe ndonje intelektual i modh qe tallet me keta vizionare, shpikes e poete dhe kerkon te shaje dhe te shahet nga nona.
Si eshte e mundur qe nje shpikes i modh qe ben te fluturoje aeroplanet ne vakum, jep lajmin ne nje blog ne vakum ku komentojne tre budallenj e gjysem me kafken ne vakum?
Per te mos thene zakonin e shqipkareve qe t’i bejne te gjithe personalitet nderkombetare me origjine pellazge shqipkare. Jo me teper se dy jave me pare nje shqipkar na solli lajmin se shikesi i ChatGPT eshte nje vajze shqiptare me nenshtetsi amerikane, kur publikova linkun zyrtar me firme dhe vule te Pirro Kondit se kush ishte zyrtarisht shpikesi i ChatGPT, e hoqi komentin.

Pirdh te lirohesh. Kane mundesi te gjitha ato qe thua ti. E di pse? Se kombi ine ka nxjerre vetem nje figure poliedrike, dhe atij ia vuri emrin Hajdar.

Po nga merr vesh ti a i vrare si behen keto gjera. Po te merrje vesh e nxirrje qimen nga qulli per vete, s’beheshe gazi i botes qe me keput shpirtin kur te te tregoj nje pasqire, por ti s’rri dot pa e kruajtur me te gjithe.

Ti s’di as anglisht t’i kuptosh ca gjera, di vetem harixhince.

hajdari po ta fut n’mythe ne menyre monoedrike, sepse eshte e pamundur qe nje shpikes amerikan areoplani ne vakum te gjeje kohe te shkruaje dhe te jape lajmin e shpikjes ne nje blog ku komentojne tre kaqola shqipkare. Vetem nje sharlatan shqipkar i çmendur qe ka kafken ne vakum tip Dino Çiço mund ta beje kete gje.

Po tall leshte me ty nderkohe qe po pres te bej videokonference te rendesishme ne USA.


Po çfar videokonferecë në USA o i çmendur, ti je shtrirë në shtrat me pizhama me vija-vija në pavjonin psikiatrik dhe po pret infermjerin që të bëjë një gjilpërë në kokë. Dhe ke gjet tre budallej e gjysëm në Peshk që merren me ty.


shpikesi i aereoplanit stratosferik amerikan qe fluturon ne vakum, di anglisht por nuk di te tjera shprehje veç te stallave te lopeve te kooperativave dhe koteceve te pulave te katundeve te rrethit te Fierit.

Nuk e ke idenë se çfar do të thotë të jesh i zgjuar.

