Bulevardi i ndertuar ne kohe te zogut eshte ende funksional sot .rriget e qyteteve Te kohes se Dulles nuk e perballojne kohen e sotme se ishin te projektuara per rendin me te perparuar te botes ku popullsia te udhetonte me gomar ndersa biroja ne benza .persa I perket funksioneve te tjera te qytetet ishin thjesht fjetore gjigande pa pothuaj asnje lloj mjedisi tjater per jeten e komunitetit qe prodhoi hibride sociale nga te cilet Po vuan shoqeria e sotme .
Diskutim Albanian style; po nuk u perdoren vulgaritetet dhe sharjet nuk quhet.
Eshte e vertete, por kjo nuk eshte pasoje Evropes dhe zhvillimit evropian, eshte edhe ky nje fenomen, si te thuash botetretist.
Xhiroja e mbasdites dhe e mbremjes eshte nje fenomen i vendeve mesdhetare katolike, trashegimi e tradites te qytetshteteve greke. Shetitja ne kembe per greket e lashte ka pas nje kuptim me te thelle se thjesht te ecurit, prandaj edhe filozofet peripatetike, qe filozofonin duke ecur.
Ka shume mundesi qe edhe “xhiroja” e kohes komunizmit eshte nje ringjallje e vone e kesaj tradite mesdhetare.
The term “Peripatetic” is a transliteration of the ancient Greek word περιπατητικός (peripatêtikos), which means “of walking” or “given to walking about”.
O Kthup, kam vene re qe ti nuk je atdhetar fare!
Per keshtu gjerash hic fare.
nuk di sa here duhet ta perseritesh ty qe flitet per planifikim urban, ne te tera rastet qe ke nderhyre devijon jashte teme
i ke rene kokes me keto pamjet nga droni
Ka planifikim te mire e te keq e keq ra fjala ti nuk e di se cfare eshte planifikimi urban .
Urban planning is a technical and political process concerned with the development and design of land use and the built environment, including air, water, and the infrastructurepassing into and out of urban areas, such as transportation, communications, and distribution networks[1]and the provision of municipal services to residents and visitors. Urban planning deals with physical layout of human settlements.[2] The primary concern is the public welfare,[1][2] which includes considerations of efficiency, sanitation, protection and use of the environment,[1] as well as effects on social and economic activities.[3]Urban planning is considered an interdisciplinary field that includes social, engineering and design sciences[4]. It is closely related to the field of urban design and some urban planners provide designs for streets, parks, buildings and other urban areas.[5] Urban planning is also referred to as urban and regional planning , regional planning , town planning , city planning , rural planning , urban development or some combination in various areas worldwide[6].
Urban planning guides orderly development in urban, suburban and rural areas. Although predominantly concerned with the planning of settlements and communities, urban planning is also responsible for the planning and development of water use and resources, rural and agricultural land, parks and conserving areas of natural environmental significance. Practitioners of urban planning are concerned with research and analysis, strategic thinking[7], architecture, urban design, public consultation, policy recommendations, implementation and management.[2] Enforcement methodologies include governmental zoning, planning permissions, and building codes,[1] as well as private easements and restrictive covenants.[8]
Urban planners work with the cognate fields of architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering, and public administration to achieve strategic, policy and sustainability goals. Early urban planners were often members of these cognate fields. Today urban planning is a separate, independent professional discipline. The discipline is the broader category that includes different sub-fields such as land-use planning, zoning, economic development, environmental planning, and transportation planning.[9
Te vije shkeraba e te mos kete vulgaritet? Se komunizmi or tie… . E di ti qe nje dron nuk kushton gje fare?
prandaj ke sjelle nje gjysem faqe nga wikipedia, per te theksuar nje rrjesht te vetem…?
mjaft u gerrice kot e leri llogoret politike
kauri nga amerika e ka vene re punen e kamunisteve dhe pastaj shkruar ne blogun e tij ne 2013en, 23 vjet pasi ish dhene lamtumira kamunizmit.
Ooo sa e mire duhet te jete kjo tazo
Fixim e ka vasil shanton…po komuna parisiene si do kete qene. Me siguri shume me mire sesa sot
Autorit i paska ngel mendja te e ecmja ne kombe.
Eshte njisoj si me thone qe ne ate kohe diabeti 2 ishte i ulet se qeveria kishte vu tollona.
Jo kjo po thote ky rezulton me teper se kaq (edhe pa dashjen e autorit te shkrimit), qe ecja me kembe ne kohe te komunizmit (“kush eshte ne kom e ha me dhom”, o Kthup atdhetari ) ka kondicionuar strukturen urbane te sotme. Dmth çfare mund te shihej si antivlere dje, sot dashje pa dashje rezulton si vlere komuniteti urban.
Ndersa me e modhja eshte kjo arkitekture qe eshte muze i letersise Nikolla Ostrovskij: