A mendoni se Izraeli i sotëm është populli i zgjedhur i Zotit?

A mendoni se Leonard Cohen eshte kengetar i zgjedhur i Zotit?

Cohen was born on September 21, 1934 in Westmount, Quebec, an English-speaking area of Montreal, into a middle-class Jewish family. His mother, Marsha (Masha) Klonitsky,[3] was the daughter of a Talmudic writer, Rabbi Solomon Klonitsky-Kline, of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry.[4][5] His paternal grandfather, whose family had moved from Poland to Canada, was Lyon Cohen, the founding president of the Canadian Jewish Congress. His father, Nathan Cohen, who owned a substantial clothing store, died when Cohen was nine years old.
The family observed Orthodox Judaism, and belonged to Congregation Shaar Hashomayim, to which Cohen retained connections all his life.[6] On the topic of being a Kohen, Cohen said that “I had a very Messianic childhood.” He told Richard Goldstein in 1967, "I was told I was a descendant of Aaron, the high priest.


aquamarine nuk vazhdon ate qe thote heretiku (i cili thote ate qe s’thote Cohen), por vazhdon te s’thote ate qe s’thote Cohen.

Tani nuk e mbaj mend mire shprehjen, por Cohen ka s’thene pak a shume qe urren çfare ndodhet midis fjales se pare dhe fjales se fundit te frazes.

Dhe kte e s’thote nepermjet nje fraze, qe me s’fjale te tjera don te s’thote qe nuk beson tek s’Fjala, dmth eshte poet hermetik, beson qe Fjala (qe ishte e para sipas Dhjates) ka deshtuar ne misionin e saj, ne epoken ngambrapa eshte bere s’Fjala. Dhe ne epoken ngambrapa ky deshtim paraqitet si fitore e modhe e poetit t’modh dhe kengetarit t’modh.

Rasti i Cohen eshte rasti tipik i kulturistit kabalist çifut qe vazhdon vepren e modhe te kabalizmit mesjetar, qe eshte pasoje e deshtimit hebraik me pasoje dukjen e krishterimit, nderkohe qe ne epoken ngambrapa eshte me se i qarte deshtimi edhe i krishterimit, me pasoje fitoren e kanibalizmit.

Aleko bir i im, ti kerkon te kuptosh aty ku s’ka asgje per te kuptuar, dhe jo vetem, kerkon te kuptosh aty ku eshte i ndaluar KUPTIMI, dhe eshte e lejuar vetem tallja e koqeve, mbasi komunistet dhe fashistet i kane bere cope koqet duke i goditur me shkelma (perfaqsuese ne blog perkatesisht Korriksja dhe Dasara qe kane bere cope koqet e Manjola_Tirana).

Cohen thjesht tall koqet duke i rene ronshem dafnllakut!