Diskutim i lirë - nëntor 2017

Të gjitha të këqijat le të bëhen po Pjerit do ia sigurojme postin,me mandatin e rradhës mavi :stuck_out_tongue:

Pashe dje per kuriozitet ate iPhonin X.
Sa gjo e shemtut mre :frowning:

rekord tjeter

jeshil cdo gje sot, si gjithe kete vit te ri te bekuar

po i kthehet jeshilliku planetit tone


@B-O-H-I-C-A: Trump put a 35 piece jigsaw puzzle together. It took him six months. Senator Corker asked him why it took six months. Trump said: look on the box, it says 2-4 years.

keto ishin 99% si fillim, por edhe mbas 8 viteve kane ngel prape 99% te shkretet :))

oh wait, mos me thuj qe u bene 100%… ose akoma me keq mos me thuj qe jane bere me pak se 99%


what a joke :))

keto jane G99 amerikane e Eri Velit, qe nuk fitoi dot as ne qytetin e lindjes Stalin :))

Donald Trump, Bill Gates, the Pope and a schoolboy are on a crashing airplane. There are only 3 parachutes. “Well,” says Bill Gates, “I am the most important businessman in the world and I need to continue running my company.” He takes the first parachute and jumps out. “Well,” says Trump, “I am America’s smartest president, and my people need me.” He takes the second parachute and jumps out. The Pope takes the third parachute and hands it to the child. “Take this”, the Pope says, “I am old and I will die soon anyways. This world needs you more than it needs me.” “That’s okay, Your Holiness, we can BOTH have a parachute, America’s smartest president took my school backpack.”


Sa me fat jam qe e kam bere me dy virgjeresha falas. Jo per gje, po nuk jam aq trim sa te hidhem ne ere per 72.


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Beini ndonje urim Hajries se ka ditlindjen sot.

Daja i vogëlushit u vra me armë. Ç’ndodhi mes tyre?



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djema , meqe jemi tek intervista, mund te me dergoni pyetjet ketu tek posta ose emaili im, per Intervisten e Mijvjeçarit. Kuptohet, duke u bazuar tek VQ, Intervista e Shekullit (dhjetor 2014) dhe tregimet e mia.

Pjer, une me mire po i ruaj pyetjet per intervisten e Apokalipsit.

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ahahaaha :laughing: gjembi sa me ke pelqyer me kete batute!

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grupi ciftelia

po ky Roy Moore mund te fitojka edhe ne Michigan ore

shiko se ke votokan ne Michigan

@Mimoza_llastica, ne vazhdim te linkut te Zeqos:


@Manjola_Tirana, e njofte kush eshte personazhi?

@zeqo (jo e ema e tij) ne maje te thanes:

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