Diskutim i Lirë - Prill 2018

Do vine doktor italiane inxhiniere ruse police gjermane shqipot do shesin boze meli apo sufllaqe me delten ne krye :blush:

Shoket e kusherinjve tane do shkojne ne emigacion dhe do merziten edhe pse jane te mbikualifikuar.

nje tjeter zorraxhi rrenacak. as me vjen fare kur arrij te kjo pike e artikullit. dhe me keta plehra
gjithnje arrin te kjo pike.

Vitor, a veterinarian, and Neta, an accountant, left Albania with their sons in 2001 for various reasons, including political ones, Neta Pukri said in an interview last month. She said her husband’s democratic views clashed with Albania’s socialist government at the time that the family traveled on a tourist visa to Michigan, where they had relatives. The Pukris’ sons have also expressed fear over family disputes known as blood feuds, which have led to killings in parts of Albania.
"It’s a scary thing,’’ DiRaimondo said. “There are thousands of people in blood feuds and it’s a real problem.
Neta Pukri and her sons were also worried about being forced to live in a country that is majority Muslim. The Pukris are Christian.

Po qe cunat i ishin kundervu, baSHKE me Nanen, agjenteve federal te emigracionit si heronj Lexhendar me ndalu ekstradimin e Babes. I kishin rras te tre mrena e Nonen do e nxjerrin per Meshire se ka gocen 11 vjec. a kan tru kta njerez apo Jo?

Bie plani marksist per kapjen e reformes ne drejtesi

Hetimet amerikane rrezojne masakren me reformen ne drejtesi ne Shqiperi dhe nisin hetimet per sponsorizimin e Soros me miliona euro nga taksapaguesit amerikane per ti dhene Rames drejtesine. Abuzuesit drejt burgut.

Shqiperia e shqiptareve, vdekje tradhetareve!

In March 2017, a group of six U.S. Senators led by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) sent a letter to then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson asking that he investigate charges that the U.S. government was using taxpayer funds to assist Soros in Albania. The letter said, “Foundation Open society-Albania and its experts, with funding from USAID, have created the controversial Strategy Document for Albanian Judicial Reform. Some leaders believe that these ‘reforms’ are ultimately aimed to give the Prime Minister and left-of-center government full control over the judiciary.” In the Albanian parliament, opposition leaders have labeled the Strategy “a Soros-sponsored reform.”
poshte komunistat

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cfar nderove menjen

Records dated February 2017 show that the State Department used taxpayer funds to co-sponsor a second poll with the Open Society Foundation.

Nashti (TM alba me zamete) e kam une gabim apo ne ate kohe s’ishte Obama president?

Judicial Watch e ben lidhjen me bukur se Alex Jones:

“The Public Affairs Section and the Open Society Foundation Survey each provided funding to a local organization to conduct a public opinion poll on attitudes toward the Judicial Reform effort,” the February report, reviewed by Fox News, read.

Dmth pse J.D. dhe OSF dhane te dyja fonde nje organizate shqiptare per te bere nje anketim, me rregull treshi i bie qe parate e J.D. kane shkuar ne xhepin e Soros. :rofl: ymer ymer

The U.S. Ambassador to Albania Donald Lu, a holdover from the Obama administration, has been closely linked to Soros and the socialist government in Albania. In May 2017, Lu helped undermine Albanian opposition party plans to protest the upcoming parliamentary election by declaring that the U.S. would recognize the election results even if opposition parties refused to participate. Lu has been described in the U.S. press as “a driving force behind Albania’s judicial reforms.”
duhet te paguaj per kete …ne litar zagarin ne litar

Ka administrator kjo faqe apo jo…nga Kullat e gjykates administrative tek Diga e Tirones tek george sorosi e Obama e reforma ne drejtesi e komunistat …e me keq se kta loqet e gjathta e qunin Km fashist e fashistoid…
A jane Shqiptaret e Mi Mongoloid apo nuk jane??? jane LOQEOLOG o Liverpool sa i modh qe je

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Sa leshko paska qene ai Tillersoni. Prandaj e paska hequr trampi nga puna. S’e kuptoj si ka drejtuar kompanine me te madhe, Exxon Mobile kur ka qene kaq leshko. Ja paska hedhur dhe nje “kinez”, i ka kaluar si miu nen hunde. lol pz ncnc


edhe Ti o Kapo xhani qe ben be per hajdutet atje je homo albanicus I vecante :blush:


sapo me doli para:


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Trumpi per here te pare po flet per skandalin me porno starin Stormy Daniels… sapo deklaroji qe nuk kishte pasur dijeni qe avokati i tij personal i kish paguar per te heshtur artistesh pornografike $ 130 000…nc ncnccnnc

Me stormy I ka ngecur keq melunit.paturpshmeria e pacipesia berja e kundershtarit me turp jane armet e tij me Te forta por ne ate pike ajo ia merr ne kthese :blush:

Po thuaje njehere nje llaf te lige per Palloshin sa per te prishur syne e keq :blush:

Soros me leket e Departamentit të Shtetit ka financuar “politikanët ë preferuar” në Shqipëri (dhe gjetke)

“The Obama administration quietly spent at least $9 million in US taxpayers’ dollars in direct collusion with left-wing billionaire George Soros’s backing of a socialist government in Albania,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.

Soros is a billionaire and “shouldn’t be receiving taxpayer support to advance his radical left agenda to undermine freedom here at home and abroad,” Fitton added.

Gjigandi eshte bothpamuk, gjoja do me bo shtet por ne rezistencen e pare prap set per te mbajtur pushtet.