Diskutime te Lira - Korrik 2019

Ti e une (dmth gjithe shqiptaret ) duhet te kuptojne se epoka Klintoniane (ta quajme keshtu) eshte kapitull pothuaj i mbyllur (dje po mendoja qe, kur e mendon, u bene 20 vjet qe trupa ushtarake nderkombetare ruajne paqen ne kosove. 20 vjet. Heu !! Si ikin vitet… ).

Epo per popullin tone fola ne mesazhet mesiper, ato qe nuk i kuptove. Debati qe te solla me pas ishte bonus. Ka nje dhe pjese aty qe do pelqeje shume; nje shtremberim te qellimshem te historise. E bejne shpesh keto kanarinat islamiste; Otomanet thone, nje parajse ku njerzit e te gjitha feve jetonin ne paqe e harmoni.

Mor po leri islamistet (ekstremiste ke nga te gjitha krahet). Te pyeta nese ke degjuar qe ne Azi eshte shume i mirenjohur fakti qe islami ka qene pasoje e rrugeve tregetare (dhe jo shpates)


aha klinton … seks-politike … aha … oh … ah …

atehere iu lumte serbeve qe ia arriten mbajten hapur kauzen serbe ne kosove gjate 20 vjeteve te epokes Klintoniane dhe tash ne gjeneze te ndryshimit te botes ata jo vetem kane goje te hapin por kane akumuluar goxha mbrojtje te jashtme ne favor.
Kosova nis betejen e saj nga fillmi si sizifi

France = 0

Ne Azi islami u perhap me shpate. Ne indi ke masakra te regjistruara nga vet nizamet qe varionin deri ne qindra mij ne zona te caktuara. Ne Azi budizmi si feja dominante e kohes(me e madhe se hinduizmi) u be shenjestra kryesore e islamikeve dhe ne Indi pershembull gati u shua krejt.

Otomanet kane pas regjistruar numrat e te konvertuarve dhe te masakruarve ne fushata. Si te paret, si te dytet raportoheshin me krenari. Te kishim studiues te mirefillte, dhe akses ne arkivat turke do te kuptohej genocidi ndaj popullit tone nder shekuj. Jam i sigurte se do ti afrohej goxha atij Armen. Apo as ate nuk e ke degjuar?

Si nuk paska studiues te mirefillte per temen në fjale ?? Dhe si nuk paskan akses në arkiva ???


Me nje fjali mo, dhe kaq? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::grinning:

Vetem kjo, shih çka shkruar:


zgjidhja e vetme për shqiptaret,që janë të gjithë bashkë sa një qytet evropian,është bashkimi në një shtet. të tjerat janë parapregatitje për ripushtim,dhe zvogëlim të vazhdueshëm deri në pamjaftushmëri shtërore.
tani që do e marrë kurti,shpresojmë pa zastavat e ldk-së,të kthehet timoni andej nga duhet.
lamashin dhe të voglin,se pjerrth njeri! as makroni,as shejtani!

Si me nje fjali? E lexove pjesen tjeter te paragrafit apo ndalove te fjalia e pare?

cfare dmth ngjyra jeshile qe rrethon ikonat tona qe prej sot

Se na bone me hap wikin :grinning:

L’expansion de l’islam se poursuit vers l’Asie du Sud-Est et la Chine, tout d’abord par l’intermédiaire des marchands.

Zgjerimi i islamit vazhdoi drejt Azise jug-lindore dhe Kines, se pari permes tregetareve

Me ane te tregetareve arriti dhe vikinget po meqe nuk cuan dhe ushtri, nuk ngjiti.

Po je qe je te wiki kerko dhe per krimet ne emer te islamit ne azi. I ke me data keto ndodhite me mijra prerje kokash dhe te shkuar ne hell.

Me ben cudi qe sthe gje hic per Armenet, se per shqiptaret u mor vesh qe otomanet islamik i paskshim pas miq, turista etj.

Nje C+P me nje te kerkuar nga celi. Ika, pervec birres, mbaroi dhe bateria e celit.

Name/Place Date Location Deaths Notes Reference(s)
Bakthiyar’s invasion of Bihar 1202 Gahadavala 30,000 hindus killed Bakhtiyar Khaljiattacked a fort, which he discovered was a Vihara, likely Nalanda. He also captured Vikramashila and wrought havoc there. [1]
Massacre in south Delhi 1265 South Delhi,

Delhi Sultanate|100,000 Hindu Rajputs of Mewat|Almost all the Rajputs of Mewat were completely exterminated by Delhi Sultan Ghiyas ud din Balbanduring the massacre.|[2][3]|
|Siege of Chittorgarh (1303)|1303|Chittor, Guhila kingdom|30,000|Alauddin Khalji ordered the massacre of 30,000 people of Chittor after besieging and capturing it, according to Amir Khusrau.|[4]|
|Massacre of Srirangam|1323|Srirangam, Pandyan kingdom|12,000 Hindu ascetics|12,000 Hindu ascetics at or around the temple were slaughtered by Muhammad bin Tughluq’s soldiers while they city was sacked.|[5]|
|Mass killings in Bengal by Firuz Shah Tughlaq|1353–13??|Bengal Sultanate|180,000 Hindus|Firuz Shah invaded Bengal after it rebelled and paid for the 180,000 heads of Hindus massacred by his soldiers.|[6]|
|Battle of Mudgal|1365|Mudgal|800 soldiers killed|Bukka Raya Iseized the town and put the garrison to the sword.|[7]|
|Massacres around Vijayanagara|1365–1367|Areas surrounding Vijayanagara,

Vijayanagara Empire|500,000 Hindus|500,000 inhabitants were massacred in all the districts surrounding Vijayanagara by the Bahmani Sultanatesoldiers. In Raichur Doabalone, 70,000 Hindus were massacred by the army of the Bahmani Sultanate in response to killing of the garrison of Mudgal.|[8][9][10]|
|Battle of Bhatner|1398|Bhatner fort,

Delhi Sultanate|10,000 Hindus|10,000 Hindu inhabitants were killed after some of them started resisting the demand of paying ransom to Timurid forces.|[11][12]|
|Execution of slaves by Timurid forces|1398|Loni, Ghaziabad,

Delhi Sultanate|100,000 Hindu captives|Before the battle of Delhi commenced, Timur ordered his soldiers to kill all the 100,000 captives they caught to avoid a rebellion before the attack on Delhi.|[13]|
|Timurid campaign in Haryana|1398|Haryana (then part of

Delhi Sultanate)|Unknown|Thousands of residents who fled mostly non-Muslim town of Sarsuti (Sirsa) were chased and killed by Timur’s forces. In Fatehabad, a large number of civilians staying behind were killed. Thousands of Ahirs resisting him at Ahruni were killed. In addition to 200 Jats at Tohana and further 2000 who fled were killed with their wives and children taken captive. Reaching Kaithal, he massacred or plundered many people. On the way he was joined by another wing of his army from Kabulwhich massacred or plundered villages that resisted. From there he went to the fort of Assandhwhilst destroying all villages along the way.|[14][15]|
|Timurid massacre ofDelhi|1398|Delhi,

Delhi Sultanate|Thousands of hindus were slaughtered|Hindus of the city were killed or enslaved. After the massacre ended, the survivors either died of famine and disease and Timur’s forces further enslaved many people.|[16][17][18][19]|
|Battle of Meerut|1399|Meerut,

Delhi Sultanate|Unknown (all of the inhabitants)|The massacre took place during the battle for Meerut for with all the Hindus and the inhabitants of the fort being put to sword.|[20][21][22]|
|Battle of Ahmednagar|1559–60|Ahmednagar Sultanate|10,000–20,000 hindus killed|According to Firishta, the Vijayanagararmy of Ram Raya allied with Bijapurlaid waste to the Ahmednagar’s country so thoroughly that from Parenda to Junnar and from Ahmednagar to Daulatabad, not a vestige of population left. They also massacred and looted Muslims in Ahmednagar. During the siege of Ahmednagar fort, Ali Adil Shah of Bijapur and Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah of Golconda also laid waste to the adjacent territory.|[23][24][25]|
|Massacre of Garha|1560|Garha-Katanga Kingdom (now Narsinghpur district)|48,000 Hindu peasants and Rajputs|Ordered by Emperor Akbar, in the early years of his reign.|[26]|
|Sack of Vijayanagara|1565|Vijayanagara,

Vijayanagara Empire|100,000 hindus slaughtered|Vijayanagara was sacked and razed by Deccan Sultanatesafter Battle of Talikota. Widespread destruction of Hindu temples and buildings also took place in the city, destroying most of the large temple centres.|[27][28]|
|Siege of Chittorgarh|February 1568|Chittor Fort,

Udaipur State|30,000 Hindus|About 30,000 non-combatants were ordered to be executed while 8,000 Rajput women immolated themselves as part of jauhar.|[29]|
|Massacres during Nader Shah’s invasion of the Mughal Empire|1738–1740|Northern India,

Mughal Empire|300,000 Indians|Persian invaders massacred Indian civilians.|[30]|
|Maratha expeditions in Bengal|1741–1751|Bengal Subah|Unknown (Est. 400,000 people)|A 1755 Dutch account estimates that over 400,000 people were killed in Bengal and Bihar including textile workers, merchants and other inhabitants.|[31]|
|Chhōtā Ghallūghārā|1746|Lahore|10,000 Sikhs|7,000 Sikhs were killed in battle with armies of Diwan of Lahore. 3,000 were captured and executed in Lahore.|[32][33]|
|Massacres after the Battle of Panipat|1761|Panipat, Haryana,

Maratha Empire|40,000–70,000 Maratha (Hindu) soldiers killed|About 30,000-50,000 Maratha women and young children enslaved by the Afghans.|[34][35][ page needed ]|
|Vaḍḍā Ghallūghārā|1763|Punjab|Est. 25,000–30,000 Sikhs|Perpetrated by Afghan Muslim forces of Ahmad Shah Durrani.|[33]|
|Mangalore Christian massacre|1784–1799|Srirangapatna,

Kingdom of Mysore|5,600 Christians|Persecution of Mangalore Catholic Christians by Tipu Sultan.|[36]|
|Massacre of Mandyam Iyengars|1784–1799|Srirangapatna, Mandya district,

Kingdom of Mysore|700–800 Iyengars|About 800 men, women and children of Mandyam Iyengar community were killed by Tipu Sultan at Srirangapatna.|[37][38][39][ better source needed ]|

Ne Indonezi e Filipene ka shkuar permes tregtareve, pra nuk eshte nevojitur jatagani. Ne te gjitha viset e tjera, sikur vellai i vet me i madh Krishterimi, u perdor shpata ku duhej e ku nuk duhej. Hatane kane bere, sidomos ne Persi e Magreb.

Edhe nga ana tjeter e botes denglat se Krishterimi u perhap me se shumti fale “Fjales” se komisarit Pal, tipik shembulli agjitatori politik ky i fundit, nuk pine me uje. Kane vrare e prere me kryq ne dore sa jane lodhur.

Te duhet ta lexosh ate studjuesen franceze: disa pune te saja jane edhe ne anglisht

Ambasadori Delawie ka vizituar punishten ku po ndërtohet ambasada e re e SHBA’së. Sipas tij, ky objekt dëshmon se Amerika do të mbetet përgjithmonë këtu.