Tralalaja që po dëgjon - 5

Jasha Visi…

kliko mbi foto:

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une do e nominoja me cmimin e pare per vit ,per spotin ,per kompozimin , e per krejt tjerat pas…

@Aquamarine, nuk e di nese i njef kta te dy qe bejne muzike klasike ngambrapamoderne:

Ahaa po patjeter qe i njof. Me pelqen fakti qe jane te guximshem, eksplorojne mundesite shprehese te instrumentit dhe luajne artistikisht me kufijte e pershtatshmerise se violoncelit gjersa e bejne harkun fije-fije. Me kujton nje shprehje te Piccasos : “Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist”. :slightly_smiling_face:

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mu pelqe shum kjo e 2çelsave:

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On you, my feelings have been hurt
On you, don’t you see the clouds coming down
With me on my finger, now
Fly me by the window
I travel through the sunshine
Don’t you see the clouds coming down
I’m falling for you
I guess I’m just falling for you

Luciferian Towers :seedling: