Antisorosianet shqiptarë nuk janë vetëm

-Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban now leads the anti-Soros groundswell in Europe. The optics of Orban becoming the first European Union leader to go after the Hungarian-born Soros and his destabilization operations has not been lost on other EU leaders, including those in Poland and the Czech Republic. Orban has accused Soros of masterminding the migrant invasion of Europe. In retaliation for these and other moves by Soros, Orban has warned that the various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) backed by Soros risk being expelled from Europe altogether.
-In Poland, where Soros has been very influential, a Member of Parliament for the ruling right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS), Krystyna Paw?owicz, recently demanded that Soros be stripped of Poland’s highest honor for foreigners, the Commander with Star of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland. Paw?owicz considers Soros’s operations in Poland to be illegal. She also believes that Soros’s organizations are «financing the anti-democratic and anti-Polish element with a view to fight Polish sovereignty and indigenous Christian culture».
-Czech President Milos said, in a 2016 interview, «some of his [Soros’s] activities are at least suspicious and they strikingly remind of interferences in [countries’] internal affairs. The organizing of what is known as color revolutions in individual countries is an interesting hobby, but it brings more harm than benefit to the countries concerned». Zeman claimed Soros was planning a color revolution for the Czech Republic.
-The former Macedonian prime minister said in a recent interview, «He is not doing that just in Macedonia, but in the Balkans, across Eastern Europe, and now, most recently, in the United States. Secondly, from what I’ve read about him, in some countries he does it for material and financial reasons, to earn a lot of money, while in others for ideological reasons».
-In Lithuania, the Labor Party has also questioned Soros’s activities in the country. The party and its parliamentary allies have asked Lithuania’s security services to investigate the «financial schemes and networks» of Soros because of the threat they pose to national security. The Lithuanian parties claim that Soros groups specialize at «not consolidating, but dividing, society».

Ashtu thu ti,po nuk e shikon listen qe solli Kapo te udheheqesve me demokrate te Ballkanit e Europes Lindore.Vertet kishte harruar Ate,demokratin me te madh qe ka njohur historia, te pakten qe prej Perikliut,Komandantin legjendar,po ama Kapos i falet.

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listat e kapos, si pune e deformimeve vulgare qe ju japin individet performancave te tv, kur ato imitohen ne folk :grinning:

Perpjekjet e amatoreve jane gjithmone te levdueshme.Po te perifrazoj ate si pune motoje olimpike,rendesi ka deshira,jo rezultati.

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flm MAGA per linkun qe fliste per Sorrosin, e ndoqa, rreth 3 ore, emision qe vertetoi fjalet e mia tek komenti me siper.

ai tjetri po thote lufte kunder demokracise dhe hapur fare, kapo me shoke bertet jo sorosi, po anti-sorosi. Mjegulla e ujkut te proverbit…

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viktor orban ka studiuar ne vitin 1989 ne oxford me burse te sorosit, mund ta kerkosh ne google dhe e gjen fare kollaj. plus qe informacionet ne cdo gjuhe te huaj qofshin nuk jane te besueshem po nuk i permende burimin. pastaj nuk vihet ne diskutim fakti qe sorosi ka pikpamjet e tij politike dhe i mbeshtet ato hapur dhe ne menyre transparente, problemi eshte qe si ka mundesi qe edhe kundershtaret e tij nuk e dine fort mire se per cfare intrigon sorosi, per para, ideologji, pushtet apo per klintonin. plus qe sic thote dhe orban, ai si cifut, eshte pergjegjes per valen e emigranteve muslimane ne hungari duke i mbeshtetur ata.


Futja pordhes. Si Sorosi ne SHBA ka qindra te tjere, ne te majte e te djathte, qe financojne grupe per te avancuat bindjet e tyre politike. Koch brothers, psh, bejne fiks te njejten gje. Warren Buffet gjithashtu. Adelson, etj.

Ky fiksimi me Sorosin eshte komplet idiot. Ne lindje, eshte me i kuptueshem, sepse populli eshte mesuar me armiq imagjinar te jashtem. Po ne SHBA, a s’e rru e s’ka per t’a rrujt njeri per Sorosin. Ka aq shume leke ne politike saqe milionat e Sorosit jane nje pike uji ne oqean. (Por, sic ka e majta tmerr Koch brothers, e djathta urren Sorosin, Hollivudin, meqe keta financojne demokratet)


Adi , kur paska disa fondacione qe financojne, ndihmoje pak Gjembin , se ngeli tu la pjata gjithmon.


Ja nje fakt i permendur tek emisioni i Ylli Rakipit:

Soros pasi ka qene informuar me situaten e 21 Janarit 2011, i dergon e-mail H. Clinton qe ta shofe me perparesi kete pune, dhe te dergoje negociatore, qe eventualisht u dergua Lajcak - personi i propozuar nga Soros.

Ti dergosh e-mail sekretares se shtetit amerikan, te nderhyje ne politiken e brendshme te nje shteti, madje nepermjet personave te propozuar nga ky vete, nese nuk eshte nderhyrje politike edhe e frikshme madje, une nuk di cfare mund te jete.

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‘Ne lindje, eshte me i kuptueshem, sepse populli eshte mesuar me armiq imagjinar te jashtem. Po ne SHBA, a s’e rru e s’ka per t’a rrujt njeri per Sorosin.’

Me ket ritem Shba kemi per ta pare si do ndryshoje drejt lindjes. Dikush ketu me lart mos gaboj foli se trump duhet t’i kete zili Erdogan, Putin, & co per pushtetin qe gezojne. Larg qofte por premisat te tilla jane.

Sorosi eshte ndergjegja e njerezimit per momentin .une e kuptoj kompleksin military industrial qe do ti kalle daten njerezise me friken e terrorizmes muslimanizmes etj ne menyre qe paret e taksave to shkojne industrise se armatimeve duke ia hequr nga goja pensionisteve e njerezve ne nevoje etj por shqipot qe I brohorasin keto pulitika kondra interesit Te tyre nuk I duken nje variant mudhern I parimit "ne bar do hame po parimet nuk I shkelim Te dulle djegesit.

Po pra,ku ka bere vaki kjo.Ku eshte pare per shembull ti kerkosh Amerikes te nderhyje ne politiken e brendshme te Jugosllavise se Milloshevicit,ose ne politiken e brendshme te Ruandes eshte pare te nderhyje ne politiken e nje vendi ku te vrasin ne bulevard sepse ke cadra pistolete.Fundi i botes,per nder.

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Megjithate MAGA, e keqja ne Shqiperi, nuk eshte vetem nga Sorrosi, por me shume nga klasa politike shqiptare.

Jo duhet t’i ketë, po i ka zili edhe është krenar që i ka zili. Asnjë kritikë për Putin nuk ia bën ta nxjerrë goja…

faktet nuk merren nga forume diskutimesh mor plak se neser pasneser i bie qe te marrim si fakte dhe artikujt e mi tek peshku.

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Gjeja me e mire qe ka bere Putin ndonjehere, dhe qe e kane hale ne sy neoconet, eshte se e ka nxjerre per zhelesh Sorosin jashte Rusie.

Dhe rezultati eshte qe nuk sheh karikatura rusesh te vishen keshtu:

I believe two things need to be done urgently:
Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi
Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements.
Appoint a senior European official as a mediator.
While I am concerned about the rhetoric being used by both sides, I am particularly worried about the actions of the
Prime Minister. There is videotape of National Guard members firing on demonstrators from the roof of the Prime
Ministry. The Prosecutor (appointed by the Democratic Party) has issued arrest warrants for the individuals in question.
The Prime Minister had previously accused the opposition of intentionally murdering these activists as a provocation.
After the tape came out deputies from his party accused the Prosecutor of planning a coup d’etat in collaboration with
the opposition, a charge Mr. Berisha repeated today. No arrests have been made as of this writing.
The demonstration resulted from opposition protests over the conduct of parliamentary elections in 2009. The political
environment has deteriorated ever since and is now approaching levels of 1997, when similar issues caused the country
to slide into anarchy and violence. There are signs that Edi Rama’s control of his own people is slipping, which may lead
to further violence.
The US and the EU must work in complete harmony over this, but given Albania’s European aspirations the EU must take
the lead. That is why I suggest appointing a mediator such as Carl Bildt. Martti Ahtisaari or Miroslav Lajcak, all of whom
have strong connections to the Balkans.
My foundation in Tirana is monitoring the situation closely and can provide independent analysis of the crisis.
Thank you,
George S

prandaj duhet lexuar teksti origjinal dhe jo citimet gjysmake

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Po ato vrasjet me polonium, mire i ka bo Putin? Po burgosjen e kundershtareve politike, edhe ato mire?