Dhunë dhe vdekje në Charlottesville

Me qarte, nuk behet, per ata qe i ngaterrojne nazistet me te djathtet, e qe ankohen per liri fjale per ata qe dalin me simbolet e vrasjes se etnive te tjera.

Ja cfare nxit gjuha e trumpit. Keta as nuk kane bothe ta vazhdojne. jane right-wing jsw snowflakes

Iku dhe Banon.qelbesirat liberale Po e detyrojne kumandarin te eleminoje shoket :blush:

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Ke te drejte!
Sorrosi fitoi.
Ta gezoni fitoren!
Nuk mund di perse nuk po gezoheni,tani qe Shtepia e Bardhe do te duket si dy pika uji me ate te Obames.
BBC,CNN MSNBC ishin ne qiellin e shtate por nuk besoj te ndalen se kerkojne koken e Trumpit.
Poshterimin e 8 Nentorit 2016 zor se do ta kaperdijne vetem me koken e Bannon.

C’te lidh ty me nazistet Te lutem shume ?

I modh eshte per zotin, you’re fired, i shkon, nuk e rru fare, e vulosi edhe nje tjeter kater vjeçar ne WH.

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Nuk me rreh fare as per nazistet as per komunistet por per establishmentin qe po perpin edhe zotin Trump.
Njerezit votuan per zotin Trump se donin nje president ndryshe dhe jo nje tjeter Obame,Bush apo Clinton.
Nuk e di se sa normale te duket ty por mua ndryshimi mes establishmentit demokrat me ate republikan eshte sa ndryshimi mes Joe Scalborough dhe Mika Berzhinskit.
Nejse te pakten tani e nxorren fytyren e vertete se deri dje luanin teatro si Marco Rubio dhe Elizabeth Warren me shoke e shoqe.

P.S nuk e dija qe ata qe votuan Trump ne 2016 ishin te gjithe naziste…tani po e marr vesh…por perderisa njerezit hane per te vertete cdo gje qe thuhet ne CNN cdo gje pres.

Pati edhe nje tjeter “Allahu Akbar” ne Finlande…u palosen nja dy vete po kush can bythen?
merruni me Bannon juve se ashtu do Sorrosi.

Tani hiqni tere figurat qe nga Washingtoni e deri tek Franklin nga parate se kane qene ose pronare sklleverish ose kane favorizuar tregetine e skllaverve…

Nuk do te cuditem kur te jesh pro pas nje viti kur kete ta kerkoje NAACP dhe BLM se bashku me CNN.

Nazistet e KKK thane jemi ketu per Te plotesuar premtimet e presidentit Trump .presidenti i denoncoi duke e kenduar dekllaraten me zor te madh si ato pengjet e lindjes se mesme me koburen e terroristeve tek koka .pastaj te nesermen dha nje konference shtypi te tipit:ju maskarenjte e mutit qe me bete Te shaj nazistet .luj vendit I thace vetes u lajthiten dhe kauret me keq nga saliu yne .

Rrofte George Sorros!
Oreksi vjen duke ngrene.
Nuk kaperdihet humbja ne 2016…
Por kjo qe ben thirrje per vrasje nuk quhet naziste…nderkohe qe komuniste te thekur kane marre honorary degrees dhe marrin cdo dite ne universitetet amerikane.
Keta me duket se duan te cojne vendin ne lufte civile.

Mire fitoi po cfare po ben me ate fitore ,vetem cirk qe te gajaset mileti ndersa establishment po pasurohet I patrazuar .nashi liberalet jane nje mall po te pakten me ne emigrantet jnae ne rregull .a e di ti se Po te ishte aprovuar ligji i emigracionit I trump ne kohen tone ne do ishim me shkaben ne shqiperi ?

Ligjet aprovohen kur ju vjen koha.
Nese Trump do te ishte president ne vitet 1990 ligji I emigracionit do te ishte i njejte

po po Amerika priti derisa ACDC mori grin kard e pashaporte, pastaj i erdhi koha Amerikes te ndryshoje ligjin e emigracionit.

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Ky eshte komenti i njeres ne nje faqe interneti.

If you’re looking to get rid of all those horribly offensive reminders of our past, I am here to help.
$1 Washington - slave owner
$2 Jefferson - slave owner
$5 Lincoln - did not necessarily agree with slavery, but didn’t agree that blacks were equal
$10 Hamilton - slave owner
$20 Jackson - slave owner
$50 Grant - slave owner
$100 Franklin - affiliation with slave trade
Dig into your wallets and grab all of these offensive symbols and send them to me.

I’m here to help you begin the healing process.
IM for address.

Jo te gjithe qe votuan per Trump ishin naziste, por te gjithe nazistet votuan per Trump. Ka ndryshim.

Nejse, vazhdoni, tema per Martin Shkrelin, ju flisni per Trumpin.

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Ke te drejte jo gjithe demokratet jane komuniste por gjithe komunistet votuan per HRC.

Ketu nuk shtrohet ceshtja nese ishin burra Te mire apo keqinj , por nese veprat e tyre ishin Te mira apo te keqija dhe cfare perfituan brezat e ardhshme nga veprat qe lane pas .washington ,Jefferson etj themeluan vendin nga i cili edhe pasardhesit e sklleverve perfitojne .gjeneralet e konfederates edhe pse burra te mire ishin ne anen e kabuar te historise .plus monumentet e tyre jane ngritur ne vitet 60te kur jugu qeverisej nga guvernatore raciste si reaksion kondra levizjes te se drejtave civile .

@ACDC pse kaq dobet juve?

Sic tha dhe Big Papi “This is our fucking city and nobody’s going to dictate our freedom.”. Kur do te organizosh “free speech” rally ne nje shtet blu ne fundjave, keshtu e peson.

Nuk e di @kthupi, me vjen keq qe vetem 40 vetem mbrojne freedom of speech ne Boston. Nuk dua ta besoj qe ne tere ate shtet qe ka gjithe ate histori patriotike vetem 40 jane patriote!

Nuk e di pse behesh pale me eksrtremistet e bardhe kondra vetes .por keto qe thone ata per muslimanet e zezaket si te paasimilueshem I kane thene edhe per ty .
"…At the same time, a burgeoning elite-led eugenics movement helped to lend “scientific” support to cultural arguments in favor of white supremacy. In his 1916 bestseller “The Passing of the Great Race,” noted eugenicist Madison Grant — a Columbia Law School trained attorney — argued that whereas Northern European immigrants of the 19th century were “skilled, thrifty, and hardworking” just like native-born Americans, more recent immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe were “unskilled, ignorant, predominantly Catholic or Jewish” and ostensibly unassimilable.
Grant, among other eugenicists, was tapped as an expert to speak on the threat of “inferior stock” from Eastern and southern Europe and played a critical role as Congress debated provisions of the highly racially restrictive Immigration Act of 1924, which limited the influx of “dangerous” and “dysgenic” Italians, Arabs, Eastern European Jews, Asians and other not-fully-white “social inadequates.”
In 1920, Harry Laughlin — eminent eugenicist with a doctorate in cytology from Princeton — testified to the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization that “the character of a nation is determined primarily by its racial qualities.” Laughlin’s sentiment captured the spirit of his time. During the 1920s, a number of immigration and legal reforms were based on scientific notions of immutable difference between races and the conviction that the purity of whiteness must be protected at all costs…'