Trump kandidati dhe Trump biznesmeni

Mire t’i bohet ksaj. Shko mi gru s’u ngope iher, te gjitha i ke pas, o do boheshe presidente o s’ka. Morre ne qafe Ameriken, e mase gjithe dynjon. Edhe kto demokratet paskan qene manalla fare mo.

PS. Fiqo une, simas sugjerimit te FBIt, propozoj Haxhire (se ka pas kong te bukur). :stuck_out_tongue: Po qe i doli llafja atij Putin zagarit, banana republic.

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tirana cpate te hyri frika nga fbi?

Amerika esh si shpirt


Ok. Çeshtja kardinale. Mos lujm kukamçefti.
Si e kupton ti anglishten?

" KING: “Esquire” magazine did an article years ago called “100 People Who Could be Great Presidents Who You May Never Have Heard Of”…
TRUMP: That’s true.
KING: And their point was that people who can lead executives well or great lawyers – Edward Bennett Williams might have been a great one – great lawyer…
TRUMP: Absolutely, he was a great guy.
KING: … who show leadership ability. But, we don’t know the – for example, you and Kosovo. Would you have done what Clinton did?
TRUMP: Well, I would have done it a little bit differently. And I know this would sound terrible. But look at the havoc that they have wreaked in Kosovo. I mean, we could say we lost very few people. Of course, we had airplanes 75,000 feet up in the air dropping bombs. But, look at what we’ve done to that land and to those people and the deaths that we’ve caused.
Now, they haven’t been caused with us and the allies because we were way up in the air in planes. But, at some point, you had to put troops in so not everybody could go over the borders and everything else, and a lot of people agree with that.
Now, would people have been killed? Perhaps, perhaps more. But, at least ultimately, you would have had far fewer deaths. And you wouldn’t have had the havoc and the terror that you’ve got right now.
So, you know, I don’t know if they consider that a success because I can’t consider it a success.
KING: You don’t.
TRUMP: They bombed the hell out of a country, out of a whole area, everyone is fleeing in every different way, and nobody knows what’s happening, and the deaths are going on by the thousands. "

How do you do Fikret

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Cmund te presesh nga nje ndihmese me emrin Huma Mahmut Abedin…ku e ka gjetur more aman?
Pika Clintonit per ndihmeset qe ka.
Ishte sot ne CNN, Podesta i Clinton me Kellyane Conway te Trump.
Podesta mezi lidhte dy fjale, Conway elokuente dhe shume e qarte ne pergjigje.

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Xhevahiret me te fundit nga llogjika trumpiste…

Sara "She’s been a public servant for almost 3 decades, he’s not served anyone other than himself.
Dhe pergjigjja e Trump eshte : we’re sick of professional politicians, don’t you get that? They’ve screwed up this country.

Si i bie, qe duhet me ardh analfabetet ne presidence tashti …
Po o burra, ejani ne albanie zoterinj se analfabetet tone i konkurojne tuajet, megjithe Trump, po deshet…

five min. break, here

Huma Mahmut Abedin eshte klloun…eshte politika e vizionare multikulturore qe te marrin fonde andej nga Arabia Saudite , Katari …((((Clinton foundation corruption)))…si puna Sadiq Khan…kryebashkiakut te Londres … nuk dihet se ku ka perfunduar mbas BREXIT…neper tynelet e urave te zeza poshte bashkise Londres duhet te jete futur…


Ardhja e muxhahedineve ne Shqiperi nuk eshte aspak e rastesishme dhe aspak humanitare ashtu na e paraqiten politiqenet islamik te Tiranes…por pazaret dhe politika e ndyre e Hillary-t ne Lindjen e Mesme…ajo e krijoi ISIS…ajo shkaterroi Sirine , krijoi valen e emigranteve ne Europe , parate e ndyra te Arabise Saudite dhe te Katarit , Marokut ne Clinton Foundation…nderkohe qe kryeministri Ramazan pellet ne CNN…!!! ((( VEREJTJE… administratoret e Peshkut kane hapur vetem tema per Donald-in dhe ASNJE teme per Hillary …??? PSE…??? ))))


o ceco, kjo qe ka sjelle Fikret me lart mos eshte si ai linku qe kishe sjelle ti? se edhe kjo interviste me mbretin qenka?
na e thuaj o ceco cfare paska thene trumpi te ajo interviste se mbeti enigme

A Trump supporter in Iowa was arrested and charged with voting twice in the general election, thus committing election misconduct ( a class D felony under Iowa law).
When asked why did you do it ? - she responded : I wanted to make America great ! … Ok, but what about the second time ? - To make America great again !

Duket si girlfriendi i njonit :joy: ooo Fikret, e kapet ate keqdashesin qe i hudhi Xhizeles ate " tubestakfullahun " ne fushe, ne Buffalo ?–election.html

Pra Trump s’e ka patur gabim kur ka thene qe ka mashtrime ne votime.

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It’s good to be King with lyrics

KING: And their point was that people who can lead executives well or
great lawyers – Edward Bennett Williams might have been a great one –
great lawyer…
TRUMP: Absolutely, he was a great guy.
who show leadership ability. But, we don’t know the – for example, you
and Kosovo. Would you have done what Clinton did?
TRUMP: Well, I
would have done it a little bit differently. And I know this would sound
terrible. But look at the havoc that they have wreaked in Kosovo. I
mean, we could say we lost very few people. Of course, we had airplanes
75,000 feet up in the air dropping bombs. But, look at what we’ve done
to that land and to those people and the deaths that we’ve caused.
they haven’t been caused with us and the allies because we were way up
in the air in planes. But, at some point, you had to put troops in so
not everybody could go over the borders and everything else, and a lot
of people agree with that.
Now, would people have been killed?
Perhaps, perhaps more. But, at least ultimately, you would have had far
fewer deaths. And you wouldn’t have had the havoc and the terror that
you’ve got right now.
So, you know, I don’t know if they consider that a success because I can’t consider it a success.
KING: You don’t.
They bombed the hell out of a country, out of a whole area, everyone is
fleeing in every different way, and nobody knows what’s happening, and
the deaths are going on by the thousands. "

po votojn o vlla robt nga dy here nji per sot, nji per tuenitueni se rrallher vjen ni dill si ky.
Ate tjetren leje leje se vje i ftohti tashi dhe shfryhen topat e ku do gjeni tiim te suportoni. Plus qi Patsat kan marre doktorrin e z.Trump nigjova dhe per inot tat gezojne shendet te plote :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Gjithe ajo amerike dhe nuk gjen dot nje tjeter prostitute te ankohet per prekje morali nga trumpi, nje jave para zgjedhjeve?!
cnn dhe huffingtoni me ta kput shpirtin keto dite :frowning:


Vegas baby !

Politics Other Sports Money Line
US Presidential Election - Winner
Tue 11/8 1 Hillary Clinton wins Election -300
8:00AM 2 Field wins Presidential Election +250
Tue 11/8 3 Donald Trump wins Election +275
8:00AM 4 Field wins Presidential Election -335

Nuk ta lejne me iu afru Madame President-es. Nji me tre koeficenti. Nuk leviz. Duhet me vu $ 300 me fitu 100 te qelbta. Emails my ass. Keto bossat e Nevades hajne buke me ate pune. Si osht ajo : " The house always wins " ( Unless your name is biznesmeni Dump. Who loses near to 1 billion $ in one year, running casinos !!! )

po mo fiqo po eshte tu imply se robt po ikshin nga te kater anet prej bombardimeve…ket gjo e ka thon dhe Milloshi